Monday, April 16, 2012

Hearne Elementary-Hearne ISD - Marlise Golden

1. How did the plan meet the existing needs in technology, funding, and management issues?

My district currently does not have a technology plan in place. I am on a committee that is in the process of developing a plan to be implemented in the near future. During this course I have been creating objectives and goals that would suit the needs of our district.  My goal is to submit my plan to the committee to use in the development of the new plan for the district. The objectives and goals that I have created for technology, funding, and management all meet the needs of the district as of right now or until others are created to replace what I have.

Technology Objective:
Students use creative thinking and innovative processes to construct knowledge and develop products. Through the study of technology operations and concepts, students learn technology related terms, concepts, and data input strategies. Students develop critical-thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills by collecting, analyzing, and reporting digital information. (Texas Education Agency, 2011) Student mastery of basic computer skills and knowledge of hardware and software usage capability will determine if objectives are being met by each student. Adequate computer skills will promote student success in the classroom and create lifelong learners in the growing digital society.

Funding Objective:  
Hearne ISD will allocate funds to employ an Instructional Technologist for the district and a Technology/Computer Lab Teacher for the elementary campus to satisfy the requirements of the Technology Plan.  Funds will be generated from the State and other Grants for technology usage. The objective should be met by the beginning of the 2012-2013 school years with specific job descriptions in place.
Many of the barriers that currently exist to implementing the recommendations of the Long-Range Plan for Technology, 1996-2010 involve the lack of adequate funding for administrators and educational technology staff to fully address their students’ educational needs. (Long Range-Plan for Technology, 2010)

Management Objective:
Utilize a functional Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan to ensure the advancement of all students in technology though curriculum and instruction. Provide sufficient professional development for all professional staff to use technology provided on the campus proficiently to implement more technology into instructional lessons. The objective can be measured by frequently monitoring technology implementation by the teachers and student achievement according to the goals in the technology plan.

2. How did the goals provide the measurable outcomes for future improvement?

The goals that I have written allow the district/local campuses to evaluate the outcomes and rewrite them as needed or at the end of the plan term.  Since my district is working on developing a plan the goals that I have chosen to write focus on the needs of the district that were determined by a survey sent to the staff.

Goal 1:  Hire and maintain a highly qualified Instructional Technologist
•         Evaluate job performance by formal evaluations, walk through
•         Survey teachers to determine in the instructional technologist is knowledgeable and helpful on each campus
•         Review documentation of continued education credits earned on a yearly basis
•         Verify requirements for hire (education, certifications, experience etc.)
•         Review documentation (list) of current and new software to determine changes and or improvements

Goal 2: Develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan
•         Review technology plan meeting minutes to determine if adequate and obtainable goals are being
•         Evaluate drafts of the plan to determine if goals are measurable

Goal 3: Staff computer lab with highly qualified teacher(s) on the elementary campus to teach TEKS objectives (k-6) for Technology.
•         Evaluate yearly rehire information from campus principal
•         Maintain allocated funding for teacher retention
•         Review lesson plans for current TEKS standards and objectives for technology

Goal 4: Provide adequate technology professional development for all staff
•         Mandatory evaluation sheets or electronic surveys concerning each technology professional development session to rate the training
•         All technology professional development sessions will have some form of training to provide staff with hands on examples to be completed at least 75% during the session ready to use in the classroom
•         Sign in sheets for staff to verify attendance
•         Provide documentation form any technology professional development that is not local

3. How did the strategies defined to meet the proposed objectives?
The district first has to create and adopt a technology plan before the strategies within the plan can be implemented. Management objectives have to be achieved and in place first to tie the funding and technology objectives together.  Once the district has the plan in place then the assessments will show that the objectives are needed for the district to improve in the area of technology.  The goals that have been created lead to student success which is derived from successful management skills to provide funding for adequate professional development that will ensure implementation of more technology throughout the entire district.

Long Range-Plan for Technology. (2010, August). Retrieved February 23, 2012, from Texas Education Agency:
Texas Education Agency. (2011, September 26). Retrieved February 26, 2012, from Chapter 126. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Technology Applications:


  1. Marlise, I find it interesting that Hearne does not have a current technology plan. What an uphill battle for you! I think that this was required of every district a few years ago. I wonder how HISD has avoided this so far? Have there been any repercussions?

  2. Casey,

    I really don't find anything interesting in our district anymore because we have had so much corruption in the past 8 years until nothing surprises us anymore. I think the tech person threw something together using the StAr Chart with nothing concerning instruction and that was submitted to keep TEA off their backs until February they asked where was the plan for technology and technology professional development and no one could produce one. I just so happened to walk in the admin office to ask about the plan to use for Dr. Shannon's assignment to find this information out. TEA was in the district doing some type of audit and told the curriculum director that a plan was needed. I am currently working on the committee to develop a plan that will be implemented in the fall.

  3. Marlise,

    I agree with Casey I can't believe your school does not have a technology plan or a campuse technology specialist.

    “With the introduction of new hardware and increased demands on support staff comes the vital question: How will this help us teach? Inevitably, this question is asked first not of the teachers themselves but of technologist.” - Richard M. Beattie (2000)

    This quote is ten times more valid today and it was published 12 years ago. I hope your district values your hard work and the knowledge you have acquired during this class and graduate program to benefit the students, teachers, and staff on your campus. Students are not being allowed opportunities to gain the neccessary skills and knowledge to compete with peers from other districts and that is not fair!

    Great work :)

  4. Amy,

    Thanks. I feel once we get the upper administration on track then everything else will begin to fall in place for the district to move forward. We still have old hardware/software that most teachers would love to utilize but have not been trained how to effectively use the devices or software. Lack of knowledge is a downfall regardless if it is the instructor or the student. I feel that it is the districts responsibility to ensure that they hire and maintain highly qualified teachers with the keyword being maintain. Professional development is vital today and is on going to stay proficient and move towards advanced.

  5. Marlise,
    I know you are working extra hard to help your district create a successful technology plan. They should offer you some sort of stipend. You are saving the district from consequences. Technology planning is a major undertaking and the planning committee is critical to the success of any technology plan. Do you think you will continue to be a member of the technology planning committee in the future?

  6. Donzella,

    I probably will be but right now they are at a stand still since its time for the STAAR test. I am hoping that in the very near future they see that an Instructional Technologist is vital to the continued educational growth of our students. I doubt very seriously if I will be getting a stipend the song is called " NO Money" written by the State Government.


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