Sunday, April 15, 2012

Coulon Ozen High School Beaumont ISD

1. How did the plan meet the existing needs in technology, funding, and management issues?

My proposed technology plan meets existing needs at my school by providing the opportunity to have a technology plan at the high school. The district has set the example by having a five year technology plan for the district and being willing to provide the needed technology to those who need it (Beaumont ISD, 2010). My plan also creates a technology committee to oversee selection and purchase of needed hardware and software as well as implementation of the technology plan. Technology training for staff is also a crucial part of my proposed technology plan.

The district’s funding needs are met by its continued commitment to seeking erate and other funding opportunities to pay for much needed technology and training within the district (Beaumont ISD, 2010). My plan includes avenues to seek funding in the form of grants, private contributions or donations as well as district provided funds that are currently in place for technology purchases. Funding is a major part of the plan because money is needed to purchase and maintain much needed technology for the school.

Management issues are met by the district providing necessary personnel to install and manage the technology (Beaumont ISD, 2010). My plan has provisions for technology training for teachers; instituting a technology committee to oversee all business regarding acquisition and maintenance of hardware and software at the school and selecting an Instructional Technology Specialist to help classroom teachers to plan and implement technology into their lessons.

2. How did the goals provide the measurable outcomes for future improvement?

The goals are measured at various intervals of the plan to make sure the plan is viable and actually reachable throughout the life of the plan. Any part of the plan that is not feasible has the potential to be re-written or reorganized to something that is able to be accomplished. The tools used to ascertain feasibility are surveys, student portfolios and formative evaluations. The outcome of these evaluations would determine whether continuance in the current plan would be productive.

3. How did the strategies defined to meet the proposed objectives?

The strategies meet the proposed objectives because they are measurable steps that if followed will assist teachers and administrators toward accomplishing the proposed objectives. Each strategy is a detailed plan to assist teachers in learning technology in order to better educate students. Continued use of the STaR Chart will measure how well teachers are progressing regarding technology skills and use in their classrooms.


Beaumont ISD, (2010). Beaumont ISD Technology Plan.

1 comment:

  1. What ideas do you have in mind on training teachers on how to implement technology? Does you school currently mandate teachers to attend technology training courses? If not, how would teachers react?


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