Saturday, April 14, 2012

Junior High - Monica Guerrero

1. How did the plan meet the existing needs in technology, funding, and management issues?

Schools are met with many challenges. To meet the increasing technology standards, schools must develop plans that include technology, management , and funding for these plans.  (Funding Strategies for the Technology Plan)

Technology - One of the needs in the area of technology is for more teachers to use technology in the classroom, increase their teaching of the technology application TEKS to increase student achievement. My plan involves updating equipment, so teachers can meet this standard and i involves training the teachers and working with them to better meet the state standards in technology.

Funding - Many schools have a need for more funding. The technology budget, and the technology state fund has been cut. This has created a need for my school to find alternative funding. The plan I came up with includes an increase in funding by applying for grants specific to technology. My plan also calls for a different management of the current funds to insure the technology needs are being met for the campus.

Management - The plan calls for teachers be better trained. This training will allow them to better troubleshoot their minor technology issues. It will also help them become more efficient in the classroom. This part of the plan meets the management need for a shortage of staff members in the technology department to fix minor technology issues in the classrooms.

2. How did the goals provide the measurable outcomes for future improvement?

The goals that were developed followed the SMART template:

“Specific The outcome is well-defined and clear to anyone familiar with the program, project.
Measurable Concrete methods and criteria for assessing progress, achievement of outcome.
Achievable, but not simple. The goal stretches you, but is reasonable give the program's resources and sphere of influence. Reasonable goals and objectives must be motivational; they have to incentivise program staff and stakeholders.
Relevant The outcome must be relevant to the program's vision, mission, and responsibilities and all people affiliated with the program.
Time-framed The period of time for accomplishing goal is reasonable given contextual constraints.” (McLaughlin)

By following this guideline, some of the goals are short-term and others are long-term. They were written so measurable data can be obtained to determine if the goals are being met. The measurable outcomes will consist of data that will be analyzed. After this analysis, a determination can be made for future changes, improvements, or goals to be set.

3. How did the strategies defined to meet the proposed objectives?

“A strategy is the total of all the activities needed to achieve an objective. Each activity and sub-activity in a strategy should be clearly defined. Each strategy usually consists of a main activity, divided into a number of sub-activities.” (World Health Organization, 2004)

The strategies in my plan are the steps that will be taken to meet the proposed objectives. I feel the strategies are clearly defined and include small steps to reach the objectives.


Funding Strategies for the Technology Plan. Retrieved from

McLaughlin. Managing For Results. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. 2004. How to formulate strategies to achieve objectives and targets.

Retrieved from


  1. Monica,
    I like your cited SMART template. It is a concise and easily remembered guide for creating measurable objectives. It would seem to incorporate all the elements from Dick & Carey.

    1. Thanks. It is one of the best resources I've come across to really help with writing measurable goals.

  2. Monica,

    Strategies are very important to be able to meet objectives. Dick and Carey state “The purpose of creating the strategy before developing the materials themselves is to outline how the instructional activities will relate to the accomplishment of the objectives”. I believe that many people have great objectives but never work through the strategies on how to get there. With you having clear strategies, you will be able to meet your objectives.



    Dick & Carey. Lesson 8 - Instructional Strategy. Retrieved from

  3. Strategies are very important when striviin reach you goal. according to the Dick and Carey model,when you have strategies which is a detailed outline of what is needed to obtain your objectrive and goals,made clear, it is easy to reach your goal.

    Dick & Carey. Lesson 8 - Instructional Strategy. Retrieved from


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